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Do you wants to look a little slimmer – to lose inches from your waist, trim up the tummy, get rid of love handles. Fat reduction can be tricky business, but now with advancements in laser lipolysis, at Drippin Glam Studio anyone can slim down and look and feel their best without surgery. 


Drippin Glam’s, “DiamondBody”, represents a revolutionary step in the progression of laser lipo and body contouring technology. Whereas traditional liposuction is highly invasive, dangerous, and expensive, the “DiamondBody” offers a non-invasive liposuction alternative

DiamondBody’s, precise artistry and workmanship sculpt’s your body with the same precision as the gemologist to a precious stone


The DiamondBody’s technique sculpts proportions, symmetry and polishes drippin with glamour of an excellent cut diamond.


DiamondBody 4Cs, concentrates on Consumption, of plenty of water in the body at all times, Consistency in movement, Calorie intake, and Commitment.


DiamondBody has the same 4C’s concept that helps determine the grade of your finish desired form, the same as in Carbon turned into Diamonds hold true at Drippin Glam Studio









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